-미국 뉴저지주 뉴어크 (2021. 7. 3)
-캐피탈 원 은행 지점
-은행강도 용의자
-총으로 은행 직원을 위협해 돈뭉치 받아들고 도주하는 중
-현금 2,300달러
-돈 넣은 주머니에서 새 나오는 붉은 연기
-은행 직원이 강도에게 넘겨준 건 진짜 돈이 아니라
-염료 팩(dye pack)이 숨겨진 위조지폐 뭉치
-강도가 은행 문 나서는 순간 염료 팩이 센서에 반응해 폭발
-염료 팩을 버리고 도망가는 용의자
-하지만 멀리 못 가서 검거됐다고...
-구성 방병삼
#염료팩(dye pack)_숨겨진_돈뭉치_들고_도주하다_붙잡힌_은행강도 #Bank_Robber_Dye_Pack #Dye_pack-carrying_robbery_suspect_arrested
Authorities say they have arrested a New Jersey bank robbery suspect seen on surveillance video as a red dye pack explodes during his escape.
Newark public safety officials said a police detective spotted the 27-year-old man Monday on the street and arrested him. He faces robbery and weapons charges.
Authorities allege that the male suspect walked into a Capital One branch at about 10 a.m. Saturday and passed a note to a teller saying he had a gun and demanding money. Officials said the teller gave him $2,300 cash along with the dye pack, which contained another $200.
Surveillance footage released by police showed the suspect walking east outside the bank wearing a backpack Saturday. As he begins to cross a street beyond the bank property, the dye pack sends up a red cloud causing the suspect to discard the pack and run north out of camera view.
YTN 방병삼 ([email protected])
▶ 기사 원문 : https://www.ytn.co.kr/_ln/0104_202107061732561592
▶ 제보 안내 : http://goo.gl/gEvsAL, 모바일앱, [email protected], #2424
▣ YTN 데일리모션 채널 구독 : http://goo.gl/oXJWJs
[ 한국 뉴스 채널 와이티엔 / Korea News Channel YTN ]